A house's design is an art work, and if you really want to have something special, you need a little bit of courage and creativity. There are a lot of people in this world, who got bored of the classic way of designing houses, and they decided that they need something more than this. Here are some examples of cool houses and interesting design around the world!
The upside down model of houses became somehow popular, and if you think about weird houses, the first thought goes to upside down houses.The house in the image was created in Polland, in the village of Szymbark by Daniel Czapiewski, and it represents a profound statement about and against the Comunist era. The workers were disoriented by the angles of the walls, and this is why it took them 114 days to build this house.
Would you like to live in a toilet shaped house? I don't think it would be comfortable when the giant aliens will invade Earth! This house was built by a member of the World Toilet Association, and it features four deluxe toilets. It is dedicated to provide clean sanitation to the 2 billion people who are currently living without toilets. This house has a showcase bathroom in the middle, and all the toilets have each something interesting, from elegant fittings to latest devices in water conservation and filtration. Its name is Harwoojae, and it means in Korean "the place of sanctuary where one can solve another person's worries".
The following house fits almost everywhere on earth: forests, lakes, seas, mountains and meadows, but you can also place it in the middle of the main street. This house's design was inspired by highway billboards, it is very interesting, but the main disadvantage is that it is rather small. This "house" is only 27 square meters, and this means 290 square feet, and it is not actually intended to be a family residence. In the image you can see one located somewhere a little bit further than sea's shore, in the middle of the water. The interesting aspect is that in such locations you can access it only by boat.
Other two interesting houses are Bubble House and The Broken Column House, which both were built for "aristocrats". The Bubble House was built on Pierre Cardin's demand and it was designed and supervised by Antti Lovag and it was originally designed for an industrialist with whom Lovag started a friendship when they were working a previous house. This house wanted to be the proof of short-circuiting the classical architecture in the name of original, modern design. The Broken Column House has the shape of a ruined classical column. This house has been built by Francois Nicolas Henri Racine de Monville, who made it its residence in the years before the French Revolution. This is an interesting piece of art, and it somehow suggest the Fall of Bastille, though it was built before the event.
The Glass House is among the most beautiful homes in the world. It is symmetrical and it integrates quarter-inch thick walls made of glass which are supported by steel pillars painted in black. The interior is separated by walnut cabinets, and a brick cylinder in which the bathroom is located. The brick floors and the cylinder are purple, and quite interesting, when people come into this house, they just look around. It is now open to the public, and many people book it months in advance.
Another piece of art made of glass is this home, which is located in the Brentwood district of LA. This house was originally built in the '60s and it was designed by the architect RAy Kappe. Recently is has been restored by Michael LaFetra, and it has almost everything you could want. Five bedrooms, 3 baths, a rooftop deck and a very beautiful view. The wood architecture is barely visible, because the walls are made of glass. A huge pool seems to spill over the edge of the property terrain and over the valley below. The spaces inside are refined but rustic in the same time. This house has wood ceilings and glass walls, and they open to the outdoors through the modern terraces. You can own this house by paying a little fortune.
Our house is one of the important aspects which represents us, like all the things we own, and say something about us. Looking at the design you can say a lot of things about the person in front of you, or maybe about his vision on life. There are a lot of strange houses in this world, and they all came true because their owners wanted to be different from the common persons who surround them. Maybe they were all looking for attention, but they came with innovations, and with bright ideas, and the most important thing is that they turned their ideas into reality. The futuristic trend is gaining a lot of attention, and more and more people are moving towards simple and elegant houses, and the full complex baroque style is considered old and out of fashion since these new bright ideas appeared.